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   Recognizing the talent in everyone.


To provide employment opportunities to marginalized and underprivileged groups.


This program is designed to help break barriers to employment by providing supported/facilitated employment opportunities and skills training to marginalized and underprivileged groups.


Learn employable skills.  (Previous experience is not required). Share knowledge and creativity. Grow in their professional networking skills and development.


  • Gain experience and credentials to let potential employers see that workers are qualified.

  • Earn income through paid employment contracts

  • Gain life and social skills

  • Build Confidence & self-esteem

  • Improve teamwork and communication skills

  • Find purpose

  • Network

The Ville will help participants create a professional profile to showcase their work experience, talents and availability for future employment contracts, and post these profiles on our website.



Employers who wish to partner with us may have short or long term employment contracts. The Ville will hire the workers needed to complete the contract.

The Ville will then schedule workers to complete work tasks on-site at the Ville so Ville team members can supervise, facilitate and support as needed.


The Ville staff will make sure the program is fulfilling clients expectations and completing assigned tasks.


  • The Employer can feel good about helping the community

  • Be listed on our website as a partner and how they have helped participants (see write up below)

  • Ability to decrease the amount of work given to their higher-paid employees and outsource those tasks to the Ville.

  • No recruiting, scheduling or supervision required.

  • Easy payment set up. The Ville will send invoice and handle payroll of workers. 

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